Our friend Ralph Bromley, President and Co-Founder of the organization Hope for the Nations recently visited Africa with a trunkful of bras donated by Diane’s Lingerie. We are so happy to share this news with you. These bras were given to Hope For the Nations so that they could be given to young girls who are in need. Mothers who can only feed their families by working on the street have been given hope for a new life by being able to set up a business selling these bras.
Watch this short Giving Hope video
For more information on how you can help contribute to this worthwhile organization, visit the Hope for the Nations website.
More About Hope for the Nations
Hope for the Nations began in 1994 with their first home for 25 children in Nepal. They’ve grown rapidly since then, through partnerships with local organizations in the field, to help thousands of children. Over the years, They’ve expanded into twenty-one countries around the world: building drop-in centers, community-based homes, and schools. They’ve also organized micro-enterprise programs, emergency aid relief, and critically-needed support services.
Hope for the Nations is considered a “boutique” NGO, which means they customize and tailor their work around their projects’ unique communities. This allows the organization to respond to the diverse cultural, political and economic environments children face in different countries around the world. Hope for the Nations focus has always been the safety and well-being of children. By addressing the environment and care of a community’s children, their projects begin to transform entire communities. Hope for the Nations seek to empower children at risk to become children of change.
Fabulous outfits begin with the proper undergarments. When you lift, support, separate, and smooth things out, your clothing drapes better and enhances your figure. While this may not be new information, you might be surprised to learn that your underpinnings don’t have to be dull to be effective. Your bras and panties can—and should—be as […]
How many times have you seen the words “New Year, New You” this week? Probably hundreds. I suppose it’s meant to be motivating – to hint at the possibilities for change in the year ahead – but it always has the opposite effect for me: it hits a nerve. The implication that as women we […]
Earlier this summer we held our first workshop post-pandemic. The topic was menopause. Tickets were sold out, and attendance was 100%. Our customers inspired the workshop. Women who, in the fitting room, confided they didn’t have their now sizeable breasts before menopause. Women who wondered what the heck happened to the magnificent breasts they once […]